We’re pleased to announce our sponsorship of the Country Club Tasmania Cavaliers Netball Club.
We’re going to spend 2012 documenting the club’s successes on and off the court and working with it on some fantastic communications strategies that reflect its status as one of Tasmania’s most successful sports organisations. Formed in 1995, the Cavaliers have had unmatched success in the TNL with six Open premierships and five 19 and Under premierships, a credit to its dedicated players, coaches and supporters.
Incredibly professional, the Cavaliers organisation has been nothing but welcoming and the teams; Open, 19 and Under, and 17 and Under are geared for continued success in 2012 – so anything we can do to help the club will benefit both the club and us.
The foundation for any success is of course hard work, so naturally we found ourselves with our camera at a pre-season training run at Brooks High School. Here are team shots of the Open and 19 and Under squads. Images from their training run can be seen on our Facebook page.